retro bags 3 - Italian retro bags

Italian retro bags


Italian company, Momaboma makes amazing bags full of character from recycled 1950’s and 60’s vintage magazines and old vinyl records.

After meticulously dividing, choosing and cutting the paper one by one it is then processed with resin, polypropylene, vinyl and glue, producing beautiful one-of-a-kind, retro glam magazine bags. These retro bags are based on maintaining the charm of the past and narrating every object’s history.


“The globalisation of markets, the abuses of the Asiatic production, the exploitation of the cheap labour has taken away the charm of new objects. Nothing is priced nothing because it can be made at the half price in the other part of the world where everything is permitted.

For this reason what belongs to the past maintains the charm of humanity, imperfection and normality. Discover again the old and used objects means for us communicate how much value our history has and how much value can be obtained by it.”




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