amazon fire phone - Amazon Fire 3D Phone

Amazon Fire 3D Phone

The Amazon Fire Phone is the first smartphone designed by Amazon. What is extraordinary about this smartphone is that it redefines how we actually use phones and what they can do for us. The Fire Phone designers went all out and created a phone that has 3D technology and can be operated by slight movements. By tilting or turning it you can control a wide variety of operations- all using just one hand. Another great benefit is that the phone lets you access information like never before. You can just scan something and the Phone will upload a wealth of related content.

To be released on July 24, 2014, the Fire Phone introduces three new user concepts : ‘Dynamic Perspective’ is a new 3D-like technology that not only allows the Fire Phone to display 3D images and 3D maps, but also supports 3D gaming. It also enables one hand navigation: tilt, auto-scroll, swivel, and peek to navigate menus and access shortcuts. For example you can ‘Peek’ in maps (which you see in 3D!) to show Yelp ratings or ‘Swivel’ to access important notifications like your settings or a flashlight.

The other new concept is ‘Firefly Technology’ which lets you quickly identify information around you. If for example you are listening to music, the Phone can source the music and provide you with related information such as the name of the artist playing, the movie it was in, where you can buy the record, etc.

Last but definitely not least, ‘Mayday’ is a 24/7, 365 days a year, video support service that will help you if you get stuck. The Fire Phone is of course also equipped with the latest in smartphone technology- an advanced camera system, built-in tools and Android apps, exceptional audio and much more.

Photography courtesy of Amazon

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