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CubeSensors: Control Your Environment


Have you ever heard that Bill Gates installed sensors in his home that will adjust a room’s environment when someone walks in – registering his or her body temperature, stress level, or age… This might be mythical, or Gates’s computer-controlled home even more impressive, but either way, few of us can share this experience, considering that we’re not all electronics billionaires.

But there is a tiny white cube that can report temperature, humidity, noise, light, air quality, and barometric pressure to it’s accompanying iPhone app—providing us everyday people with something close to the Gates House experience.

The Cube Sensor does and is exactly what it’s name describes—it senses an arrangement of environmental attributes and provides you with real-time data on your iDevice.

If you’re an employer sensitive to the comfort of your employees, the Cube Sensor can keep you updated on factors that might improve productivity. If the conference room is too dry, the Cube Sensor will let you know. If the board room is too dark, ditto.

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With such a discrete design, a small white box with pleasant looking swiss-cheese-type holes, the Cube Sensor will only make people curious about what it does, not uncomfortable with it’s presence. It’s just a tiny, wireless object that records a wealth of data.

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