laptop case whiteboard hustlecase 1000x666 - HustleCase


Remember the old Etch-a-Sketch? HustleCase is the kinda-sorta new version of that, with less twists and turns, and more manual pen action! Offering you an on-the-go whiteboard that is fitted to your Mac, this simple yet ingenious laptop case allows you to mind-map, sketch and productively doodle your day away to your heart’s content.

Delivering such features as a smooth writing surface, quick erase options, and wire framing, it gives you the ability to create sitemaps, champion to-do lists, fandangle note taking, and perform more creatively with hustle-ready technology.

This modern piece of the digital puzzle is truly a welcome addition to freelance designers and office dwellers alike. Plus, who doesn’t like saving paper?

As Mac-friendly shell (actually, Mac exclusive at the moment) it is made of durable plastic while still being capable of releasing heat, as well as scratch resistant, easy to write on, easy to wipe, and ships worldwide – HustleCase simply makes (business) life easier and just …better!

Designers: HustleCase
Photography courtesy of HustleCase

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