Did you hear about those retro cassette wallets?

retro-walletsOne of the biggest attributes a good designer must have is the ability to take one thing and turn it into another thing, changing it’s use altogether. To be able to combine two objects with no relevant connection and create a totally new product, well that’s pure vision. Maybe that’s why Italian designer Marcella Foschi retro wallets for men and women are all sold out at the Designboom shop. Not to worry people, Marcella is taking orders.

My guess is she probably started off by cleaning and tidying up old stuff and while holding one of her collection of old cassette tapes her creative senses and imagination were racing towards a whole different direction. Of course this is just my mind going-off as usual, you’ll get use to it.

Anyway, these retro cassette wallets by Marcella Foschi are really hot, just the right size, sitting in your pocket holding your credit card, coins, 1$ bills or subway stub, whatever. These wallets come in all color variation.


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