modern rest stop plan01 - Flotane Rest Stop: Perfect Route with a Perfect Stop Place

Flotane Rest Stop: Perfect Route with a Perfect Stop Place


This is not a tea- or garden house project! Surprised? This is a rest stop at the Aurlandsfjellet National Tourist Route. This wonderful place is located in Norway and – yes! – it lies amidst the famous land of fjords and mountains of incredible beauty. If you have never been to the fjord land, here is one more reason to be inspired for such a journey.

The Aurlandsfjellet National Tourist Route is a 29-mile-long stretch of road between Aurlandsvangen by the Aurlandsfjord and Lærdalsøyri by the Sognefjord in the county of SognogFjordane in Fjord Norway. The route is also known as snow road, because there is snow along the road most of the summer. The highest point of the road is 1.306 meters above sea level. Breathtaking!


But, as you know we don’t usually just describe nature here, so let’s get to the point! A modern rest stop facility was completed here, along the road, at the spot called Flotane (1220 m. above sea level). This place has been extremely popular with tourists to stop and enjoy the views.

The spot is successfully equipped with comfortable and up-to-date service facilities, such as toilets, picnic benches and a big parking zone. The toilet box is driven by solar energy. It has a form of a rough concrete cube, one plane of which is covered with solar panels and faces the sky.

The wall with the doors is cladded with wooden-textured panels, which creates a light contrast to the cold and severe concrete structure. This 215 sq.ft.building is set away from the road, into the further corner of the organized rest stop area, which is all (12,916 sq.ft.) covered with gravel. The long picnic benches, situated spontaneously on the edge of the stop area, make it possible to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature in its fullest.






* More info at ljb

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