ice cream pint lock bj - Ben & jerry’s Ice cream lock: protect your pint

Ben & jerry’s Ice cream lock: protect your pint


Ben & Jerry’s Euphhori-Lock – designed to protect your favorite ice cream and bring you peace of mind. Picture this – I come home from a long day at work, for breakfast I had coffee, for lunch fast-food at my desk, for dinner – well, that’s what I now have to prepare. After dinner there’s the washing up, getting the kids to bed, some laundry and checking my mail.

Around eleven is the “golden hour” – I can slip into my P.J’s find a nice romantic re-run on TV and get comfortable with a spoon and my favorite pint of ice-cream. And now picture me, a responsible adult, throwing one huge tantrum after discovering that the pint I was craving was EMPTY!

Those of you who can relate to my distress will understand the resourceful measures I began taking to hide my ice-cream (behind the containers of soup stock, under a bag of ground meat and my all-time favorite – inside an empty bag of frozen chickpeas). But I had little success and the ice-cream kept disappearing.

On one of my trips for instant gratification (throwing a coat over my P.J’s and driving to the nearest supermarket) I found the answer to my plight: Ben & Jerry’s Euphori-Lock. This is a two-part security ring that I slip around the ice-cream pints’ upper lid and it has a lock with a code, so only I can open it. The fantastic idea to produce an ice-cream pint lock came from a Ben & Jerry customer who suggested they sell their ice-cream in stainless steel containers with little padlocks on them.

And for the final scene of the ice-cream drama I bring you “ payback”! – I now buy two containers of ice cream – one for the kids (I still hide it just for fun) and the other I padlock and keep in plain view, just for myself!

* More info at Ben & Jerry’s

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