galaxy s4 zoom 4 50x50 - Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom: A Camera? No. A Phone? Not quite.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom: A Camera? No. A Phone? Not quite.


As with everything, cameras are getting smarter. I think film cameras still exist, but I imagine the remaining models in some forgotten warehouse or in photography aficionados memorabilia corner. And even the straightforward digital cameras that just took pictures with minimal modification are getting left behind fast. With the namesake of its popular smartphone series, the Galaxy S4 Zoom from Samsung is a mix-used marvel that defies categorization as much as the first smartphones did.

Considering its name, the S4 Zoom must have some close-up power. And it does. Most of the S4 Zoom’s power comes from the zoom ring at the base of the lens. By twisting the zoom ring, you can immediately enable different modes like smart or manual.


Equipped with 10x optical zoom, the camera captures accurate imagery from very far away. You can also use the zoom ring for more specific precision, a throw-back to analog SLR cameras with manual zoom control. The optical image stabilization on the camera also ensures that your photos are steady.



And the facilities on the S4 Zoom continue. Smart Mode will prompt the camera to suggest color adjustment settings depending on your location, if its low light, monochromatic, or bright.

The S4 Zoom is a positively Frankenstein device, but one that is very capable.

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