interior design brazil albus 50x50 - ilha dos marinheiros: an exotic summer house

ilha dos marinheiros: an exotic summer house


Who doesn’t dream of traveling the world in search of unique and exotic items? On Sailor’s Island, Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, a summer house was created for family and guests. The look and feel of its eclectic interior design is gorgeous, featuring colorful rugs, modern candle holders and lighting fixtures, traditional pieces of art, while here and there you can also spot classic suitcases which enhance the concept of travel and exploration.

Looking for unique pieces, the Brazilian architect Henrique Steyer traveled to Sao Paulo, from where most of the furniture was brought.


Open living spaces, comfortable lounge areas and wide balconies feature an interesting mix of heavy wooden beams, brickwork and glass surfaces – all surrounded by exotic plants, palm trees and lush vegetation that complete the natural feel of this laid back yet luxurious vacation home.





Doesn’t this lounge sofa call out for an evening outdoors with a glass of wine and gentle tunes of Bosa Nova in the background? …Quiet nights of quiet stars…



Designers: Henrique Steyer and Felipe Rijo, from Albus Design.


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