modern terrace lounge ca 1000x667 - AQH Apartment

AQH Apartment

This open-space apartment is a walk in the woods wrapped in pure luxury. Located in Sao Paulo, within the heart of Brazil, this apartment took traditional Latin American architecture and turned it into a modern marvel.

Fitted with a wood-slat ceiling that runs throughout the majority of this home, it delivers a warm feel while creating a contemporary element. Which is also echoed in the polished concrete flooring, massive furniture choices, and custom lighting inset into the ceiling, as well as overhanging along the dining room table.

open space apartment living ca - AQH Apartment

open space apartment lounge ca - AQH Apartment

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open space apartment dining ca - AQH Apartment

With the owners being a couple harboring a passionate adoration for nature and the arts, the overall interior design managed to intermingle these two things and bring them to life in every corner of the home.

From the living room that opens up onto an outdoor living space – where a patio infused with nature sits atop the cityscape, to the office desk that is the epitome of nature itself, this home is the perfect combination of design, function and fabulosity.

open space apartment office ca - AQH Apartment

modern terrace design ca - AQH Apartment

modern terrace ca - AQH Apartment

open space apartment bedroom ca - AQH Apartment

open space apartment bathroom ca - AQH Apartment

yellow guest toilet ca - AQH Apartment

Architects: Coletivo Arquitetos
Photography: Rui Teixeira

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