recycling wastethetics 3 - Wastethetics: Why Waste An Aesthetic Solution?

Wastethetics: Why Waste An Aesthetic Solution?


A bag for collecting recyclable containers, made out of stretch material – I look at these bags and the first thing I think is: why hasn’t anyone thought of this before? Recycling is a concept that needs no explanation. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” – is the “holy trilogy” of today’s responsible lifestyle. I admit I am not a fanatic keeper of the faith, I have been known to err here and there but it’s usually followed by a bout of guilt and a vow to do better. This is why the Wastethetics bin bags caught my eye.

These bags are more than their intended use, for me they actually portray the philosophy behind the 3 words.

Reuse & recycle: Made of stretch material the color of mother-of-pearl, the empty bag hangs from a frame and constantly changes its shape as it fills with empty packages. You actually reuse and recycle your garbage bag and waste and turn them into a dynamic work of art.

Reduce: seeing the bag fill up and how each package I put in effects it, makes me very aware of the amount of garbage I produce and inspires me to rethink my purchasing habits.



The designer, Laura Lynn Jansen, would like to have a weekly plastic collection day introduced on which everyone would hang the bag on their door. “A street with a shiny white shape on every house front. On the basis of the bag, you can say something about someone’s identity – something from the inside is shown on the outside.”
Wastethetics bin bags – a new take on the old saying: “waste not, want not”.


* All images courtesy of Laura Lynn Jansen

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