garden shed green roof 3 - Eethuis: Cute enough to eat

Eethuis: Cute enough to eat


I have a small herb garden, just outside my kitchen, which I am very proud of. Thyme, Basil and Oregano are just a few of the plants I have successfully managed to grow, and which are now being pruned and added to various pasta recipes and different sauces.

You can imagine my surprise when I first saw Eethuis – a vertical garden containing an actual house with living walls and roof packed with delicious vegetables, fruits, herbs and edible flowers. It is both a house and a garden which attracts visitors to taste, touch, harvest, weed, sow and smell.

Eethuis consists of a modular system of metal pipes and soil-stuffed plastic crates, inspired by the standard fruit crate which displays fresh fruits and vegetables in shops and markets.


I love how every inch of the structure is used for planting, allowing access to all, on the outside, on the balcony or roof of the garden shed.

Although temporary for the summer season, this award-wining project is looking to entice people to taste both the edible garden and edible house. Created by Amsterdam-based De Stuurlui stedenbouw and GRASS Workshop!





* More info at destuurlui


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