kitchen measuring cups nigella2 50x50 - Measuring cups by Nigella Lawson: BlissHome

Measuring cups by Nigella Lawson: BlissHome


Hello prettiest of measuring cups ever! I can hardly control my enthusiasm when a product seems to fulfill my highest expectations. You see, I’m one of these modern housewives, who combine taking care of a household with working from home and I must admit that nothing relaxes me more than spending a little time in the kitchen, baking a simple but delicious and favorite chocolate cake. All that in between (or very often during as well) styling, photographing, writing blog posts and articles for Busyboo of course ; )

Do I love the process of making something in the kitchen as much as the outcome? Yes!
Do I need beautiful objects that meet their functional expectations? Yes!
Am I happy that when reading “half a cup of sugar” from the recipe card, I can actually grab the half cup from this adorable, ceramic set of four measuring cups? Yes!
Am I delighted that they are equally pretty to display as much as when in use? Oh yes, you guessed right to that, too!

From their curved handles I hang them on my pretty hooks, enjoying their sight rather than storing them away, as they successfully meet my number one rule: everything that is part of our household must meet and combine two factors: utility and aesthetics.


Mrs Nigella is a very dear person to me and I must admit that I’m not surprised that she is the designer behind a cooking utensil that speaks of its actual name: measuring cups!

Measuring cups in four sizes: one cup (250 ml), half a cup (125 ml) , one third of a cup (80 ml), & one forth of it (60 ml). Perfection! Our grandmothers were wise when using their fine porcelain mugs to prepare the ingredients of their delicious makings. I’m happy to be able to use a set of ceramic ones which also seem strong enough to survive lots of use, when liquids and solid substances are finding their way inside them.
How many cups of flour does your cookie recipe include again ; )?


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