bio water filters soma3 50x50 - Soma Water Filters: Carafes for design thirst

Soma Water Filters: Carafes for design thirst


The Soma water filter brings a new concept to the market for filtering tap water at home. When you buy the Soma you are automatically enrolled for bimonthly deliveries of the biodegradable cartridges. Just replace these in the curvaceous glass carafe and drink away.

As with many one-off product businesses, Soma have had the time to really problem solve with their design. They meet the aesthetic challenge with aplomb. Even though the Soma jug is completely different from your usual plastic filter jug, looking more like a wine decanter (and just as table-worthy), it still fits in the fridge and goes in the dishwasher. The convenience factor is also boosted by a spill proof lid that opens automatically under the tap.


And of course we couldn’t help mentioning the sustainability factor – the filters (which have a high turnover rate) are so biodegradable you can put them in the compost, or in theory bury them in the garden, where the silk filter and coconut shell casing (!) will break down slowly. As if all of that wasn’t enough, some of the proceeds go to Charity:Water, to fund worldwide projects for clean water where it is needed most.


The Soma water filter and jug is usable every day, but also elegant enough to fit at a smart table setting. We can also see them working perfectly in an office day by day or at larger meetings.

Quenching thirst for clear, crisp water and for beautiful tableware.

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